
Farm for Corporate Events

We know how important corporate events still are today. They are a new way of networking.

From Nayaraya we look for the most favorable environment because we know that even though new technologies facilitate communication, a face-to-face meeting is still today the most effective method to get customers, close deals…

Customized events

It is essential to know the purpose for which we are organizing the event. Having a clear idea of the purpose of your organization will help us to tailor it to your needs. Especially when it comes to a corporate event, this becomes a communication element that, if well organized, can be extremely effective and powerful to send a message.

From Najaraya we carry out a study of all your needs to later offer you a proposal tailored to your needs. We also offer you a no obligation quote. Many times we think that having a high budget will mean success in our event but it is not so, the success is in a good organization and planning and for that we offer the support of our professionals.

We also move our services to any location you need: Company headquarters, multidisciplinary rooms, lofts, discos and nightclubs, estates….

Renting of a Farm for Corporate Events

We have extensive experience in organizing and managing catering services for companies in Madrid. We provide a complete service, including waiters, cooks, kitchenware, table linen, decoration and set-up. Always in order to offer you the best service.

We adapt to any type of business event that is requested, Working Breakfasts, Coffee Break & Brunch, Wines of Honor, Cocktails, Business Lunches, Business Lunches and Dinners… Always living up to the expectations of all our customers.

Do you want to contact us?

¿Sueñas con una boda de verano?

Nos quedan algunas fechas disponibles en Mayo, Junio, Julio y Septiembre 2025

Si estás buscando finca para casarte, contáctanos. Aún tenemos disponibilidad de fechas para 2025